Demain, j’étais ici
A digital audio journey through the city in the form of a podcast, produced in collaboration with the Ontario Centre for Artistic Excellence.
This project takes a fresh look at places in the city of Ottawa through audio works that highlight the way in which teenagers view their place of living, especially in the context of a pandemic where people are only walking, often alone.
The idea is to approach the creation of dramatic audio works, written by young authors and narrated by young performers, all students of the Ontario Centre for Artistic Excellence. These stories aim to reveal the poetic aspects of a seemingly ordinary place by associating a story, an affect, an invisible color that is revealed upon listening. Through the sensibilities of teenagers, Tomorrow I Was Here renews the meaning of the words memories, melancholy and hope.
Simon L. Lalande and Danielle Le Saux-Farmer
A project of Théâtre Catapulte and La Nouvelle Scène Gilles Desjardins in collaboration with the Ontario Centre for Artistic Excellence
Texts : Amel Amrouche, Catherine Berniqué, Sophie Cameron-King, Nico Charron-Groulx, Geneviève Gagné, Simon Gagné, Toby Guillemette, André Lévesque-Kinder, Benjamin Lévesque-Kinder, Jonas Lévesque-Kinder, Maddline Lishchynski, Lily Mason, Savana Renaud Usami, Aucéanne Tardif-Plante and Kamé Walker (the teens in the Writing and Creative Writing Concentration at the Ontario Centre for Artistic Excellence, led by their teacher Jonathan Desrosiers);
Interpretation : Chloé Boivin, Alexandre Brisebois-Clyne, Naomi Gindon, Nicole Grant, Thomas Harrington, Sarah Komendat, Dana Leclerc, Lauralee Leonhardt, Emmet Logue, Mélodie Lorquet, Aristote Niyiriho (the teenagers of the Theatre Concentration of the Ontario Centre for Artistic Excellence, coached by their teacher Maxine Turcotte). Simon L. Lalande and Maxine Turcotte.
Artistic direction : Danielle Le Saux-Farmer et Simon L. Lalande
Dramaturgical accompaniment : Louis-Philippe Roy
Interpretation accompaniment: Danielle Le Saux-Farmer
Production and sound environment : Pierre Antoine Lafon Simard
Project coordination : Martin Cadieux
Production management : Benoît Roy