Dog Rising
La Nouvelle Scène Gilles Desjardins has elected to continue to require enhanced proof of vaccination for visitors until at least March 31, 2022. This decision will be reviewed in the coming weeks. We will also maintain physical distancing between groups in our spaces until further notice. More info.
A necessary dose of cosmic light. Three celestial bodies launched into orbit, vibrating in a lustful and hypnotic ritual.
Composed of celestial, vibrating bodies launched into hypnotic, ritualistic orbit, DOG RISING imitates the current of life — the circulation of matter. From primal impulses to a sometimes-sexual, sometimes-mechanical gesture, Clara Furey’s new creation is a polyphony where bodies pulsate in unison and in dissonance. Furey continues the approach inspired by the physical phenomena begun with Cosmic Love, lingering on the journey of sound vibrations in the bones, the skeletal absorption of external shocks, and the deep, visceral listening through which the body communicates.
Empathy and attentive listening to the needs of the body and of others feed this inhabited trio, which works on movement in duration, persistence, seeking to release tensions by insisting on the repetition of infinite loops. DOG RISING invites to an extreme physical journey a bewitching, haunting, penetrating spiral. An invitation to build and regenerate physical strength from shocks — from discomfort mutated into joy.
This show is presented in conjunction with Rather a Ditch !
Clara Furey
Théâtre du Trillium
Concept and artistic direction Clara Furey
Choreographed by Clara Furey in association with Be Heintzman Hope, Winnie Ho
Performed by Baco Lepage-Acosta, Be Heintzman Hope, Brian Mendez
Research performer and assistant Brian Mendez
Rehearsal Lucie Vigneault
Musical composition Tomas Furey
Technical direction and lighting design Karine Gauthier
Words by Coral Short Outside Eye Peter Jasko, Dana Michel, Christopher Willes, Caroline Monnet
Produced by Clara Furey Executive producer Parbleux
Development A Propic – Line Rousseau & Marion Gauvent
Co-produced by Atelier de Paris – CDCN (France), CD Spectacles (Gaspé, Canada), Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans – Direction Maud le Pladec (France), Festival TransAmériques (Montréal, Canada), La Briqueterie – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique du Val-de-Marne (Vitry-sur-Seine, France), La Rotonde (Québec, Canada), New Baltic Dance Festival (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Partners and support for creation Parbleux (Montréal, Canada), L’Écart – Art Actuel (Rouyn-Noranda, Canada), Danse à la Carte (Montréal,Canada)
The creation of this work was made possible thanks to the financial support of Conseil des Arts du Canada, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, Conseil des Arts de Montréal
Premiere presented on May 26, 2021 at the Espace Danse of the Wilder Building as part of the Festival TransAmériques program.
70 minutes